Saturday, November 19th. 20:00 / Karady Hall

The world in the near future: for President Isimo, cleanliness, order and perfection are everything. Children who don’t conform to his ideal of beauty are not wanted. One such child is Paul, who’s teased at school because of his big ears. When he’s picked up by a bus one morning together with other children, he discovers they’re not going on a school trip as they were told, but that the president wants to get rid of them.

Paul manages to escape and, with his friends, decides to rebel against injustice. They set up the ‘Club of Ugly Children’, which soon grows into a revolution. THE CLUB OF UGLY CHILDREN is an action-packed film experience that illustrates the dangers of an authoritarian regime as clearly as the emergence of resistance.

The screening is supported by the Embassy of Sweden.

Drama, 93 minutes

  • Director: Sanna Lenken
  • Cast: Sigrid Johnson, Oscar Töringe, Anna Bjelkerud, Camila Bejarano Wahlgren, Iggy Malmborg, Alexandro Soltani, Doreen Ndagire, Ellen Taure, Adam Daho
  • Country: Sweden
  • Year: 2022

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Corvin Cinema
1082, Budapest, Corvin koz 1.