
Saturday, October 9th, 15:00 / Nagy Hall

On the surface, everything seems perfect. 19-year-old Mirjam is the stepdaughter of the charismatic pastor of an evangelical movement called The Freedom.

As a world champion in disco freestyle dancing and leader of the youth group in the congregation, Mirjam is the pride of the church.

Whilst defending her world title, she collapses on stage. This makes her start to question her faith. Her family’s solution is for her to be a better believer. Mirjam tries, but her body continues to fail her.

Frustrated by the feeling of not being seen and in search of answers, she is drawn to a stricter, more conservative congregation. Secretly she leaves for their summer camp..

Norwegian speaking feature, 93 minutes

  • Director: Laura Jou
  • Cast: Josefine Frida Pettersen , Kjærsti Odden Skjeldal, Nicolai Cleve Broch, Andrea Bræin Hovig, Espen Klouman Høiner, Fredericke Rustad Hellerud
  • Country: Norway
  • Year: 2019

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